Before Midnight

before midnight ethan hawke julie delpy

Before Midnight Review

Director: Richard Linklater
Writer: Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke
Starring: Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke
Running Time: 109 Minutes
Year: 2013
This review appears courtesy of Derby QUAD Blog

Rounding out trilogies is a feat no filmmaker can undertake without thinking of the diehard fans. Ensuring all loose ends are tied up, throwing in cheeky nods to forgotten elements of the first, ratcheting up the action….they all require careful attention. For lovers of the original two instalments of Richard Linklater’s trilo-talkie, there’s nothing left unsaid in Before Midnight. It will entrance you completely, blinding you with the ruthlessness of true romance and the joy in our opposites. You’ll rise from your seat, with an urge to leave your phone alone for a few hours and go for a walk with someone you care about.

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