It’s a trifle unfair of me to hog all the limelight with my bibble all the time, so I thought I’d introduce you to the wonderful lyrical skills of my buddy, Rob Simpson. A published children’s poet, this guy can spin a limerick out of a couple of boring nouns and a very questionable adjective. He’s onboard the site now to offer a different kind of review. Without further ado about much, here’s Rob’s rhyming review for Pacific Rim.
Pacific Rim Review
Director: Guillermo Del Toro Writer: Travis Beacham, Guillermo Del Toro Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi Running Time: 132 Minutes Year: 2013
A fleet of giant monsters attack the planet, and humans create giant robots to defeat them. Who doesn’t want to see that played out on the big screen? It’s every fanboy’s dream, from the early Godzilla romps through Tokyo, to Cloverfield. An extinction event at the hands of scaly gargantuans from the deep is enough to whet the appetite of even the casual viewer. It screams of fun.