Warm Bodies

warm bodies isaac marion

Warm Bodies Review

Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Jonathan Levine
Starring: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
Running Time: 98 Minutes
Year: 2013

Let’s get this little tidbit out of the way. The novel on which Warm Bodies is based, by Seattle author Isaac Marion is very very good. By that I mean, it opens the zombie genre up, tinkers around with the starter motor and then goes full throttle. It’s one of the better offerings to horror’s latest love affair.

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warm bodies

Rhyming Reviews: Warm Bodies

It’s a trifle unfair of me to hog all the limelight with my bibble all the time, so I thought I’d introduce you to the wonderful lyrical skills of my buddy, Rob Simpson. A published children’s poet, this guy can spin a limerick out of a couple of boring nouns and a very questionable adjective. He’s onboard the site now to offer a different kind of review. Without further ado about much, here’s Rob’s rhyming review for Warm Bodies.

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